36 research outputs found

    <i>mi</i>R-625-3<i>p</i> regulates oxaliplatin resistance by targeting MAP2K6-p38 signalling in human colorectal adenocarcinoma cells

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    Oxaliplatin resistance in colorectal cancers (CRC) is a major medical problem, and predictive markers are urgently needed. Recently, miR-625-3p was reported as a promising predictive marker. Herein, we show that miR-625-3p functionally induces oxaliplatin resistance in CRC cells, and identify the signalling networks affected by miR-625-3p. We show that the p38 MAPK activator MAP2K6 is a direct target of miR-625-3p, and, accordingly, is downregulated in non-responder patients of oxaliplatin therapy. miR-625-3p-mediated resistance is reversed by anti-miR-625-3p treatment and ectopic expression of a miR-625-3p insensitive MAP2K6 variant. In addition, reduction of p38 signalling by using siRNAs, chemical inhibitors or expression of a dominant-negative MAP2K6 protein induces resistance to oxaliplatin. Transcriptome, proteome and phosphoproteome profiles confirm inactivation of MAP2K6-p38 signalling as one likely mechanism of oxaliplatin resistance. Our study shows that miR-625-3p induces oxaliplatin resistance by abrogating MAP2K6-p38-regulated apoptosis and cell cycle control networks, and corroborates the predictive power of miR-625-3p

    <i>SNHG5</i> promotes colorectal cancer cell survival by counteracting STAU1-mediated mRNA destabilization

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    We currently have limited knowledge of the involvement of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in normal cellular processes and pathologies. Here, we identify and characterize SNHG5 as a stable cytoplasmic lncRNA with up-regulated expression in colorectal cancer. Depletion of SNHG5 induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in vitro and limits tumour outgrowth in vivo, whereas SNHG5 overexpression counteracts oxaliplatin-induced apoptosis. Using an unbiased approach, we identify 121 transcript sites interacting with SNHG5 in the cytoplasm. Importantly, knockdown of key SNHG5 target transcripts, including SPATS2, induces apoptosis and thus mimics the effect seen following SNHG5 depletion. Mechanistically, we suggest that SNHG5 stabilizes the target transcripts by blocking their degradation by STAU1. Accordingly, depletion of STAU1 rescues the apoptosis induced after SNHG5 knockdown. Hence, we characterize SNHG5 as a lncRNA promoting tumour cell survival in colorectal cancer and delineate a novel mechanism in which a cytoplasmic lncRNA functions through blocking the action of STAU1

    Cancer LncRNA Census reveals evidence for deep functional conservation of long noncoding RNAs in tumorigenesis.

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    Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a growing focus of cancer genomics studies, creating the need for a resource of lncRNAs with validated cancer roles. Furthermore, it remains debated whether mutated lncRNAs can drive tumorigenesis, and whether such functions could be conserved during evolution. Here, as part of the ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium, we introduce the Cancer LncRNA Census (CLC), a compilation of 122 GENCODE lncRNAs with causal roles in cancer phenotypes. In contrast to existing databases, CLC requires strong functional or genetic evidence. CLC genes are enriched amongst driver genes predicted from somatic mutations, and display characteristic genomic features. Strikingly, CLC genes are enriched for driver mutations from unbiased, genome-wide transposon-mutagenesis screens in mice. We identified 10 tumour-causing mutations in orthologues of 8 lncRNAs, including LINC-PINT and NEAT1, but not MALAT1. Thus CLC represents a dataset of high-confidence cancer lncRNAs. Mutagenesis maps are a novel means for identifying deeply-conserved roles of lncRNAs in tumorigenesis

    High-coverage whole-genome analysis of 1220 cancers reveals hundreds of genes deregulated by rearrangement-mediated cis-regulatory alterations.

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    The impact of somatic structural variants (SVs) on gene expression in cancer is largely unknown. Here, as part of the ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium, which aggregated whole-genome sequencing data and RNA sequencing from a common set of 1220 cancer cases, we report hundreds of genes for which the presence within 100 kb of an SV breakpoint associates with altered expression. For the majority of these genes, expression increases rather than decreases with corresponding breakpoint events. Up-regulated cancer-associated genes impacted by this phenomenon include TERT, MDM2, CDK4, ERBB2, CD274, PDCD1LG2, and IGF2. TERT-associated breakpoints involve ~3% of cases, most frequently in liver biliary, melanoma, sarcoma, stomach, and kidney cancers. SVs associated with up-regulation of PD1 and PDL1 genes involve ~1% of non-amplified cases. For many genes, SVs are significantly associated with increased numbers or greater proximity of enhancer regulatory elements near the gene. DNA methylation near the promoter is often increased with nearby SV breakpoint, which may involve inactivation of repressor elements

    Analyses of non-coding somatic drivers in 2,658 cancer whole genomes.

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    The discovery of drivers of cancer has traditionally focused on protein-coding genes1-4. Here we present analyses of driver point mutations and structural variants in non-coding regions across 2,658 genomes from the Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium5 of the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). For point mutations, we developed a statistically rigorous strategy for combining significance levels from multiple methods of driver discovery that overcomes the limitations of individual methods. For structural variants, we present two methods of driver discovery, and identify regions that are significantly affected by recurrent breakpoints and recurrent somatic juxtapositions. Our analyses confirm previously reported drivers6,7, raise doubts about others and identify novel candidates, including point mutations in the 5' region of TP53, in the 3' untranslated regions of NFKBIZ and TOB1, focal deletions in BRD4 and rearrangements in the loci of AKR1C genes. We show that although point mutations and structural variants that drive cancer are less frequent in non-coding genes and regulatory sequences than in protein-coding genes, additional examples of these drivers will be found as more cancer genomes become available

    Regmex: a statistical tool for exploring motifs in ranked sequence lists from genomics experiments

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    Abstract Background Motif analysis methods have long been central for studying biological function of nucleotide sequences. Functional genomics experiments extend their potential. They typically generate sequence lists ranked by an experimentally acquired functional property such as gene expression or protein binding affinity. Current motif discovery tools suffer from limitations in searching large motif spaces, and thus more complex motifs may not be included. There is thus a need for motif analysis methods that are tailored for analyzing specific complex motifs motivated by biological questions and hypotheses rather than acting as a screen based motif finding tool. Methods We present Regmex (REGular expression Motif EXplorer), which offers several methods to identify overrepresented motifs in ranked lists of sequences. Regmex uses regular expressions to define motifs or families of motifs and embedded Markov models to calculate exact p-values for motif observations in sequences. Biases in motif distributions across ranked sequence lists are evaluated using random walks, Brownian bridges, or modified rank based statistics. A modular setup and fast analytic p value evaluations make Regmex applicable to diverse and potentially large-scale motif analysis problems. Results We demonstrate use cases of combined motifs on simulated data and on expression data from micro RNA transfection experiments. We confirm previously obtained results and demonstrate the usability of Regmex to test a specific hypothesis about the relative location of microRNA seed sites and U-rich motifs. We further compare the tool with an existing motif discovery tool and show increased sensitivity. Conclusions Regmex is a useful and flexible tool to analyze motif hypotheses that relates to large data sets in functional genomics. The method is available as an R package (https://github.com/muhligs/regmex)

    Sequence dependencies and mutation rates of localized mutational processes in cancer

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    Abstract Background Cancer mutations accumulate through replication errors and DNA damage coupled with incomplete repair. Individual mutational processes often show nucleotide sequence and functional region preferences. As a result, some sequence contexts mutate at much higher rates than others, with additional variation found between functional regions. Mutational hotspots, with recurrent mutations across cancer samples, represent genomic positions with elevated mutation rates, often caused by highly localized mutational processes. Methods We count the 11-mer genomic sequences across the genome, and using the PCAWG set of 2583 pan-cancer whole genomes, we associate 11-mers with mutational signatures, hotspots of single nucleotide variants, and specific genomic regions. We evaluate the mutation rates of individual and combined sets of 11-mers and derive mutational sequence motifs. Results We show that hotspots generally identify highly mutable sequence contexts. Using these, we show that some mutational signatures are enriched in hotspot sequence contexts, corresponding to well-defined sequence preferences for the underlying localized mutational processes. This includes signature 17b (of unknown etiology) and signatures 62 (POLE deficiency), 7a (UV), and 72 (linked to lymphomas). In some cases, the mutation rate and sequence preference increase further when focusing on certain genomic regions, such as signature 62 in transcribed regions, where the mutation rate is increased up to 9-folds over cancer type and mutational signature average. Conclusions We summarize our findings in a catalog of localized mutational processes, their sequence preferences, and their estimated mutation rates